“My Garage Door Won’t Open”

By: azadmin
March 12, 2014

The phrase we hear most often is, “My garage door won’t close!” When your garage door stops working, it never comes at a convenient time and it is always frustrating. We want to be the source of relief in your life by helping you troubleshoot the problem. Before you start yelling at your garage door, and before you ram your car through it, let us help!

1} Lock-out Button

The first thing we encourage our customers to do, is to double check the lock button on the opener on their wall. Sometimes this button can accidentally be pushed causing your garage door to be locked and unable to open.

2} Sensor Alignment

Another reason your garage door may not be opening and closing is because of unaligned garage door sensors. The sensors are located at the front part of your garage door towards the bottom. These can get bumped/moved by items in your garage, but don’t worry, it’s an easy fix! If you try aligning the sensor yourself and it still doesn’t work, give us a call immediately. We can send one of our technicians to help resolve the issue.

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