Garage Door Replacement Facts

By: azadmin
January 1, 2022

Replacing a garage door is among the least expensive house upgrades a homeowner can make to improve their home’s aesthetic and curb appeal. If you’re considering replacing the garage door soon, here are some interesting facts to know about this project first.

Good return on investment

According to a recent cost vs. value report, garage door replacements are among the most profitable home improvement projects. With over 90% of the price recouped in resale value, replacing the garage might be the most cost-effective renovation to perform before selling a house. Additionally, garage doors add to the house’s curb appeal, improving the odds of getting higher bids and skyrocketing its desirability on the real estate market.

However, keep in mind that not all garage doors are equivalent. High-quality doors typically require less maintenance and don’t need to be replaced as frequently. On the other hand, doors not built to withstand harsh weather might need more care and degrade more quickly, leading to additional hassles and higher upkeep costs.

Besides improving curb appeal, garage doors can improve the house’s energy efficiency, decreasing heating costs during the winter and air conditioning expenses in the summer. By spending less on heating and cooling, owners recoup some of the renovation cost over time. New garage doors can pay off even if you’re not planning to sell any time soon.

Garage doors are needed for insulation

One of the most often overlooked factors in a new garage door is its R-value, a number that shows how well the garage door insulates a house against outside air. Depending on how the garage is used throughout the year, owners might need a higher R-value garage door to keep their home warm during the winter months. A heated garage might offset some temperature loss, allowing for a lower R-value, but a better insulator will keep the house more energy-efficient year-round.

The garage can directly influence the temperature of the nearby rooms. A well-insulated door can keep the garage between 10 and 20 degrees warmer than it would be otherwise. It pays dividends to keep the garage warm during wintertime since many homeowners use it as their primary entryway.

It’s usually possible to check the R-value of a garage door directly on the manufacturer’s website or catalog.

The costs of replacements can vary 

While the average cost of a garage door replacement was $3,900 in 2021, according to Remodeling magazine, the actual costs can vary significantly from that figure. The replacement price is determined by the garage door’s size, material, style, installation requirements, and labor expenses.

Homeowners should contact multiple garage replacement services to get a more accurate quote of the work and costs involved in the process. Consider asking for references of past work, especially projects similar to the one you’re planning. This way, owners can ensure a fair price and the highest quality services for their home.

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