Garage Door Safety Month

By: azadmin
June 11, 2014

In light of garage door safety month, we decided to dedicate this post to ways you and your family can stay safe when using your garage door. As technology has progressed over the years, it has become more and more advanced in its safety features. For example, the automatic retractable door helps ensure that the garage door will not shut on your car or on any small children. With the new and very helpful innovative garage door tools, we are better able to assist and take care of you!

Here are a few ways we can help:

1) We need to check your garage door censors

The alignment of your garage door censors is a very important factor in making sure your garage door retracts in a proper amount of time (while causing little to no damage). These censors are located at the bottom of your garage door tracks closes to the floor. That means, they are more susceptible to being bumped, accidentally, causing misalignment within your garage door censors. Once we come out and check your garage censors, you shouldn’t experience any more difficulties with your garage door retracting.

2) Talk to your kids about safety

Even with a flawless retracting test, it is important to inform your children (Especially the ones that can reach the garage door opener) that closing and opening the garage door is not a game and it is not safe. Our hope is that by educating even our little ones about garage door safety, it will help us decrease the amount of garage door accidents and injuries.

3) Don’t wait till it’s too late

We have seen some people postpone garage door repairs simply due to a lack of urgency. We strongly encourage you, even with minor garage repairs, to not wait and to contact us immediately at the sight of  and off track garage, broken spring, or a squeaky garage door. To avoid sever issues or injuries, make your garage door a priority by calling us at:

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