New Year, New Goals!

By: azadmin
January 13, 2015

Arizona Garage Door CompanyEvery New Year brings new goals! While some people are setting fitness goals or changing eating habits, we are hoping to inspire each of you in a new way. Instead of waiting for spring, we are sending out a new years challenge to start this year on a clean slate. Or should we say, with a clean garage!

Here are our favorite tips for how to get organized this New Year!

1. The Sift Through 

If you have used your garage more as a storage unit for “stuff”, instead of a place to park your car, then this is the perfect place for you to start. Over the years we all collect random knick-knacks, and when we can’t find space for them in our homes, we toss them into the garage. But not in 2015! We encourage you to sift through everything in your garage. If you can throw it away, TOSS IT! But if it’s something that you can donate, stop by a donations center like Good Will or Savers. Help bless someone else, while simultaneously doing yourself a favor.

2. No storage? Buy storage!

We try to keep this tips as cost effective as possible. But let’s be honest, if you are going to spend the time cleaning everything in your garage, invest into some necessary storage solutions. Visit your local Container store, and find the perfect storage bins or shelving. If you find that your garage is filled with loose screws, scraps of crafting supplies, bike pumps, or basketballs, you need to find the exact kind of storage that will fill your needs. This will make a huge difference in the look of your garage.

3. Clean up 

Once all the unnecessary things are thrown away or donated, and the rest is properly stored away, we recommend actually cleaning your garage. Sounds more exhausting then it really is. If you have an outdoor hose that reaches your garage, we suggest hosing the floor off. (Please be careful with this step. We do not want you to hose your garage door censors, found at the bottom of each garage door tracks, and knock them off balance. So be conscious of that.)

We believe that this is going to be a great year for you! We want to be able to help you feel organized and “put together” so you can tackle everything 2015 has for you. For all your garage door needs, we can help. From garage door replacements, simple garage door repairs, or just for any of your garage door questions, we can assist you.

Contact us today at: 602-396-4717

Visit us at: Arizona Garage Door Repair

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